A rare case of unilateral hemifacial spasm and facial palsy associated with an abnormal anatomical variant of the posterior basilar circulation (2019)

Type of publication:
Journal article

*Chan J.; Bowyer D.J.; Jolly K.; *Darr A.

Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; Jun 2019, 101: e147–e149

Tortuous vertebral arteries are a rare anatomical variant. Mild tortuosity is usually asymptomatic whereas severe tortuosity may present with ischaemic symptoms or compressive symptoms (focal neurological deficit). While a resulting hemifacial spasm has been previously described, sparse literature exists for its association with facial palsy. We present a rare case of facial spasm along with facial palsy in a 67-year-old woman who was found to have an anatomical variant in the posterior basilar circulation with an ectatic basilar artery and significantly displaced posterior vertebral artery impinging on the facial nerve.

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