Survey of Foundation Year 1 doctors in managing and preparing patients for anaesthesia (2021)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

Cheng Y.; *Noakes A.

Anaesthesia; Jul 2021; vol. 76 ; p. 95

Introduction Good management of surgical patients on the ward before surgery has a significant impact on postoperative outcome. Foundation Year 1 (FY1) doctors are fundamental in ensuring all patients are managed and prepared for anaesthesia and surgery appropriately. Our initial survey showed FY1 doctors lacked confidence in managing patients pre-operatively and preparing them for anaesthesia. Therefore, a teaching session was organised, which all FY1 doctors found useful. Methods An online survey was sent to all FY1 doctors in Royal Shrewsbury and Telford hospital asking about their confidence level in managing pre-operative conditions using five scales ranging from no confidence to very confident. After the teaching session, feedback was collected to assess the usefulness of the teaching. Results In our survey, 22 responses were collected. Only 31.8% of respondents were confident in fasting guidelines and pre-procedure cessation regime for warfarin, anticoagulants and anti-platelets and bridging therapy for anticoagulants. Of the respondents, 18.2% were confident in managing peri-operative medications (e.g. withholding certain medications), 27.3% of respondents were confident in managing pre-operative anaemia and 72.7% of respondents had little or no confidence in preparing patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices for surgery. In feedback that was collected after the teaching (n = 25), 90% of attendees found it extremely and very useful. Discussion The survey results showed low confidence in FY1 doctors in preparing patients for surgery and anaesthesia. This led to a teaching session facilitated by anaesthetic registrars and consultants. They were introduced to local hospital guidelines, which all of them found useful. Topics covered in the teaching session included fasting guidelines, management of perioperative medications, management of pre-operative anaemia, pre-procedure cessation for anticoagulants and bridging therapies and pre-operative management of diabetic, hypertensive, cardiac and renal patients. With good feedback, this teaching will be incorporated into their weekly teaching and will be taught yearly to all FY1 doctors. Feedback was also collected to improve our delivery of the teaching sessions

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