The role of the myosure hysteroscopic tissue removal system in the office setting at detecting abnormal pathology in women with post-menopausal bleeding, who have had blind endometrial sampling reported as inadequate, inactive or benign endometrium (2017)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

*Underwood M. ; *Chadha R.; *Hudda A.; *Green J.; *Fry M.; *Barker V.

Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology; 2017; vol. 24 (no. 7)

Study Objective: Identify any histological discrepancy between blind endometrial sampling (ES) reported as inadequate, inactive or benign endometrium and office based hysteroscopy with the MyoSure tissue removal system in women with post-menopausal bleeding (PMB). Design: retrospective review of cases from our PMB clinic. Setting:Women attending the PMB clinic who's ES is reported as benign, inactive or inadequate. MyoSure Lite or Classic devices were used for the removal of these lesions. Patients:Women with PMB having an endometrial polypectomy using the MyoSure tissue removal system. Intervention: The MyoSure Lite & Classic tissue removal systems were used to remove endometrial polyps in women with PMB who's ES was inactive, inadequate or benign. Histological comparison between the ES and MyoSure histology was made. Measurements and Main Results: 616 women underwent hysteroscopic evaluation for abnormal uterine 2017; 399 were post-menopausal of which 186 women (46.6%) had inactive endometrium, 82 women (20.6%) had inadequate, 109 (27.3%) had benign/polyp and 22 (5.5%) had simple hyperplasia or higher grade disease detected on the blind endometrial sampling prior to polypectomy. The MyoSure polypectomy of those women with "Proliferative/benign endometrium" demonstrated that 19.3% had higher grade disease (Simple, complex, complex with atypia or cancer) than the ES, for the "inactive group 10.8% had high grade disease and those with an inadequate ES 13.4% had higher grade disease. (Table presented) Endometrial thickness in the PMB group ranged from 1.5-45 mm with a mean of 10.6 mm. There were no reported complications in all 616 cases. Conclusion: This retrospective review of patients with inadequate, inactive or benign ES has demonstrated the significant benefit to patient of having the polyp removed simply without complication in the office setting using the MyoSure tissue removal system. Between 10.8-19.3% will have higher grade disease detected using the MyoSure device, which would have an impact on their medical management.