Breast Screening Age Extension; High Cancer Pick up Rate of Small Breast Cancers Amenable to Breast and Axillary Conservation (2019)

Type of publication:
Conference abstract

*Cielecki L. ; *Burley S.; *Lake B.; *Williams S.; *Appleton D.

European Journal of Surgical Oncology; Nov 2019; vol. 45 (no. 11); p. 2212-2213

Background: In 2012, Public Health England (PHE) extended the age range for breast screening up to 73. For screening to be an effective tool, one of the Wilson criteria is to detect disease that could be treated at an early stage. This audit aimed to measure the effectiveness of the upper age screening extension in Shropshire by comparing the cancer diagnosis rate to general screening population, size of cancer, and the ability to perform breast conservation.
Method(s): Retrospective analysis of Breast Screening age extension of women invited to be screened aged 71 to 73 years old in Shropshire. Data included number of women invited, uptake rate, recall rate, cancer diagnosis and surgical treatment.
Result(s): 5517 older women were invited into Shropshire Breast Screening Programme as part of the AgeX trial by PHE since September 2014. 4801 women attended and were screened; 87% uptake rate, which exceeds BSP attendance rate of >80%. 104 women were recalled to assessment (2.1%) which is below BSP standard of <5% recall rate for incident screens. 46.1% (48) of women recalled to assessment were given a cancer diagnosis, this is compared to 30.5% in general screening population. 41.6% of the invasive cancer was <15mm. 95.8% of patients had surgery, with 70.8% of patients having breast and axillary conservation surgery.
Conclusion(s): BSP Standards uptake rate and recall rate have been exceeded by upper age extension. Our experience shows high cancer pick up rate of small cancers with the majority patients able to have breast conserving surgery.