Improvement to issuing and returning of T-34 Syringe pumps (2022)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Kev Malton (EBME), *Ian Morris-Jones, *Jon Ashcroft, *Debbie Snooke

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2022

It had been identified that delivery of T-34 Syringe pumps, used to provide analgesia for our end-of-life patients, were taking too long to be delivered out of hours, sometimes resulting in not being received in time to provide the care needed. Additionally, it had been identified that compliance in returning the pumps was extremely poor, resulting in lost, or unaccounted for pumps. This in turn resulted in additional costs in the region of £1500 per unit for Wards that had misplaced them. Following a series of improvements, including re-prioritising the Teletracking process, and updating the loans/returns process, a significant improvement was seen. Rather than taking hours to deliver the pumps, this has been reduced to approximately 5 minutes, and now all pumps on loan are returned, which has resulted in cost efficiency as well as increasing the stock held in Medical devices from 6 to 16.

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