Logging Complaints (Subject Codes) on Datix (2023)

Type of publication:
Service improvement case study

*Complaints Team (Head of PALS and Complaints, Case Managers and Administrative Team)

SaTH Improvement Hub, 2023

Over the course of the pandemic, the complaints team had become very much reduced and there was a lot of cross over of tasks in logging new complaints between the Complaints Case Managers and Admin. As the team has recruited (to almost quadruple in size) it has become clear that some of the tasks being were being completed by the admin team members. One example was the logging of Datix subject codes. These are quite complex in nature – there are currently 19 main Datix subject codes (nationally reportable) and 394 subject sub codes. It was also proving time consuming and inefficient in that the administrators who are less familiar with the coding were having to review each case in detail in order to apply the codes. This was effectively a doubling up of efforts given that the case managers themselves must familiarise themselves with the cases in detail when sending them out for investigation.

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