Five historical innovations that have shaped modern orthopaedic surgery (2024)

Type of publication:Journal article

Author(s):*Patel, Ravi; Mcconaghie, Greg; Webb, Jeremy; Laing, Georgina; Philpott, Matthew; *Roach, Richard; *Wagner, Wilhelm; *Rhee, Shin-Jae; Banerjee, Robin.

Citation:Journal of Perioperative Practice. 34(3):84-92, 2024 Mar.

Abstract:Throughout history, many innovations have contributed to the development of modern orthopaedic surgery, improving patient outcomes and expanding the range of treatment options available to patients. This article explores five key historical innovations that have shaped modern orthopaedic surgery: X-ray imaging, bone cement, the Thomas splint, the Pneumatic tourniquet and robotic-assisted surgery. We will review the development, impact and significance of each innovation, highlighting their contributions to the field of orthopaedic surgery and their ongoing relevance in contemporary and perioperative practice.